何蕤 博士研究生 |
学习经历: 2015年9月~至今:湖南大学,机械工程,博士研究生,指导老师:张见明教授 |
研究方向: 断裂 |
发表论文: Jianming Zhang*, Rui He, Baotao Chi, et al. A dual interpolation boundary face method with Hermite-type approximation for potential problems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 81 (2020) 457-472. Jianming Zhang*, Rui He, Weicheng Lin, et al. A dual interpolation boundary face method with Hermite-type approximation for elasticity problems, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 82 (2020) 104005. Rui He, Jianming Zhang*, Suliman, et al. A new implementation of DRM with dual interpolation boundary face method for Poisson equation, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 121 (2020) 21–30. |
会议论文: 张见明, 何蕤, 池宝涛, 林威承. 基于Hermite-tpye插值的双层插值边界面法, 中国力学学会、北京力学会.力学与工程——数值计算和数据分析2019学术会议论文集.中国力学学会、北京力学会:北京力学会, 2019:155-159. |